Admissions Statement
Brookfield Primary School operates in accordance with the Local Authority Coordinated admissions procedures.
Our current Pupil Admission Number at Brookfield = 30
Admission Forums have an important new power under Section 85A (1A) of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (as inserted by Section 41 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006) to publish an annual report.
Regulations set out the matters that reports will cover, which include:
- a) A breakdown of preferences met by ranking (1st, 2nd, 3rd preference), and
the main factors affecting whether preferences were met;
- b) The number of admission appeals made for schools in the area;
- c) The ethnic and social mix of pupils attending schools in the area, and
factors which affect this;
- d) The extent to which existing and proposed admission arrangements serve
the interests of vulnerable children;
- e) How well In-Year Fair Access protocols are working and the number of
children admitted to each school under the protocol;
- f) Whether primary schools are complying with infant class size legislation;
- g) Details of other matters that affect how fairly admission arrangements
serve the interests of local children and parents;
- h) Any recommendation or recommendations that the forum whishes to
make in order to improve parental choice and access to education in the
local authority’s area;
The Admissions Code points out at paragraph 4.13 that “these reports are a valuable tool in ensuring an open and fair admission system as admission authorities must have regard to any advice published by the Admissions Forum. The reports will be drawn upon by the Schools Commissioner in drawing up his two yearly national review of fair access”.
Much of the information to enable a report to be drafted was presented at the last meeting.
Other information, for example ethnicity data is collected via this month’s PLASC return. The advantage of using January data is that this includes information on all those admitted in the 2007/08 admission round. Forum members will be aware that information which does not relate to the admissions criteria cannot be included in the admissions application form and therefore can only be collected after the children have been admitted.
Other information, for example report on whether schools are complying with infant class size legislation is already monitored routinely by School Support. It is intended that information from their regular reports to the DfCSF will be included in a draft report to be presented for the Forum’s consideration in due course.