We have had a fantastic Science week in school. We have been learning all about minibeasts and have started our new topic "How Does Your Garden Grow?" by reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and learning a lot of new vocabulary. We have learned about the length of time in regards, to minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. We have been learning the days of the week names and have been ordering them to learn the sequence. We have been learning about how long the caterpillar life cycle takes and we even have our own caterpillars on the classroom to watch this process happen in real time.
With the Science week focus this year being Time we have been learning about what time is and how to measure it. We have made some water measure clocks in Reception. Water clocks are one of the oldest timekeeping devices and use the flow of water into, or out of, a vessel to measure the amount of time that has passed. We have made our own watched and have learned all about the numbers and the different hands on the clocks. We have had lots of fun making our own watches.