At Brookfield Primary School, we aim to ensure that all pupils identified as having special educational needs and disabilities will be given equal opportunities to access the school’s curriculum and achieve their fullest potential. We believe that it is vital that our children are equipped with the tools to become independent learners, both inside and outside of the classroom. All children should expect to receive an education that enables them to achieve their best possible outcomes, and become confident, able to communicate their own views and ready to make a successful transition to secondary school. Through our quality first teaching, planning and provision we: - Ensure that needs are identified as early as possible and appropriate support is put in place - Ensure that children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is appropriately differentiated to enable children to succeed - Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the needs of all pupils - Develop children’s independence - Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND - Work closely with parents and carers - Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to ensure there is a collaborative approach to support pupils with SEND
Our priority is to ensure that the quality of teaching is high throughout the school. We aim for all lessons to be either good or outstanding. Part of our criteria for a good and outstanding lesson is that children with SEND are catered for appropriately. We expect that: - Teachers have high expectations for what our SEND pupils can achieve - Each lesson is considered in relation to the needs of all the pupils in the classroom - That teachers support each other by sharing their areas of SEND expertise in order to meet the needs of all of our pupils - Teachers vary the strategies that they use and the ways they approach their lessons to address the differing learning needs of the pupils in their classes We aim to ensure that all our children can access all aspects of the curriculum and can use all the facilities in the school. We make reasonable adjustments within the classroom and use a range of resources to meet the varying needs. Although we have long-term plans to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum in our schools, class teachers plan on an individual basis for their class. This ensures that the plans are tailored to meet the needs of the pupils in each year group. Resources are selected specifically and are tailored, with the help of the SENCo, to the individual needs of the pupil and any outcomes identified as part of their profile or EHC plan. Class teachers are provided with advice from occupational therapists and other experts on ways the classroom can best suit the needs of pupils with disabilities or specific problems that must be addressed. For pupils who access our nurture group, the activities within the nurture sessions are planned around the curriculum area is being taught in their class ensuring that they are not missing out on their learning by accessing nurture support.
As a result of the provision that we have in place for our pupils, they will:
- Feel safe and secure
- Show confidence and resilience in the classroom
- Demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities
- Make progress from their starting points
- Develop independence and the skills to support them throughout life
- Work collaboratively with their peers.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) is Louise Schofield - the Headteacher Mrs Nicola Walker. The SEN Governor is Mr Paul Plastow.
You are welcome to make any appointments via the school office. The office can be called on (01623) 742285.
Some comments from our parents and children:
Special Education Needs Updates and Information for Parents/Carers:
SEND Information Report
SEND Policy
Brookfield Primary School SEND Curriculum Impact Statement
Equality Objectives
Arrangements for the Admission of disabled pupils
Please see our Accessibility Plan - follow the link to Statutory Policies