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Brookfield Primary School

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At Brookfield Primary School we operate a policy of Learning at Home.  


Most weeks there will be spellings to practise.


We also strongly encourage the practice of mental arithmetic skills and daily reading.


  • Mental Arithmetic: From Year 1 children have access to Times Table Rock Stars, we strongly encourage children to use this facility at home to consolidate their mental arithmetic skills. 
  • Spellings: We encourage our pupils to practise spelling their Common Exception Tricky Words and Spellings at home. These can be found in each year groups Home Work section below.  
  • Reading Records: KS2 pupils will select a book from a range of reading books. KS1 will be bringing home a story book to share with adults at home. 
  • Home Learning: Each term a menu of homework activities are set for each year group, this is not collected from children, but children may like to share their home learning with their class teacher and peers. The menu of homework activities are designed to enhance class learning and provide fun activity suggestions to share at home.