Reception - Homework Menu
Daily Story Time
Pupils will choose a story book every Friday to share with their adults at home. We would like your child to enjoy a range of stories at home and we are encouraging parents/carers to practise the following skills;
- Practise talking about the illustrations and exploring the detail
- Practise finding the Title, Blurb, Bar Code, Publisher, Author, Illustrator
- Practise turning the pages carefully and holding the books carefully
- Practise following the text from left to right
- Practise finding any Common Exception Tricky Words; I no to go the into
- Practise making predictions about characters, settings and events
- Practise describing the characters, settings and events
- Practise enjoying a daily story time together
Collins Ebooks
Common Exception Words
We would like pupils to practise reading, recognising and writing their Common Exception Tricky Words.
Phase 2: I, no, go, to, the, into.
Phase 3: he, she, we, me, be, was, you, all, they, are, my, her.
Phase 4: said, little, people, there, have, like, so, one, when, do, out, some, what, come, were.
Mathematics - Counting
We would like pupils to practise counting to 20 and beyond in 1s forwards and backwards.
Mathematics - Number
We would like pupils to recognise and write the numerals from 0 - 20.
Mathematics - Shape
We would like pupils to practise recognising, naming, selecting and finding shapes in the environment for;
2D shapes: square, circle, rectangle, triangle, semi-circle, diamond.
3D Shapes: cuboid, cube, cylinder, cone, sphere, hemisphere, pyramid.